Hawkeye student-athletes will gain and develop leadership skills throughout their tenure at Iowa. Programs are designed to support them throughout their time at Iowa and will ensure that student-athletes leave with a strong sense of self and leadership potential as they enter the workforce and/or continue their education.
Student-athletes have the opportunity to participate in high-impact leadership experiences including serving on the Iowa Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (ISAAC), campus Leadership Boards including USG, Athletics Multicultural Focus Group (MFG), attending Big-Ten or NCAA leadership events, and much more.

ISAAC is a student-athlete leadership group acting as the voice of student-athletes within the department, campus, conference, and NCAA. The committee also facilitates and engages in various programs, social events, and community engagement activities. This includes Fall Kickoff, Day of Caring, and The Golden Herkys awards show. Two representatives from each team sit on the committee, and there are 10 at-large positions available. The executive board consists of 9 seats – President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Leadership Chair, Community Engagement Chair, Academic Success Chair, Career Development Chair, Diversity & Inclusion Chair, and Health & Well-Being Chair.

This student-led group strives to offer minority student-athletes a safe and welcoming place to discuss issues and promote a sense of unity amongst all student-athletes at Iowa. Monthly meetings invite all student-athletes to the table for discussion and fellowship. Campus and community mentors are also invited and paired with athletes based on career or social interests. The MFG advisory board consists of two members from each team at the University of Iowa.